How to get rid of fleas naturally

How to get rid of fleas naturally

If you have a rental property you have likely dealt with fleas.  Fleas can infest a place for long periods of time.  We have had cases where tenants have moved out, we have fumigated and then a week later more eggs hatch and we have fleas all over again. I can...
Top 50 Landlord blogs and websites every landlord must know

Top 50 Landlord blogs and websites every landlord must know

I am continuously searching for great landlord and property management blogs, articles, and stories.  I have learned a big lesson over the past several years sharing stories about landlord and property management experiences. The big lesson is, it does not seem to...

The most important member of my team

Today, I was asked the question of if I were to start over, who is the first and most important person you would ask to join your team? That was a tough question to answer, and really made me think about all the great people that helped and still are helping with our...