Landlord by Design Blog

I started this blog as a form of therapy, a way to share ideas about ways to invest in real estate and manage your real estate investments.

I have found most of what is written online about real estate investing and property management is written with a slant to sell a service, course or investment. I wanted to be contrarian to that.

It is an interactive space with all my readers and followers. Some days I will just write a story based on one of my, or a reader’s experience. I welcome and appreciate all the stories from folks like you. Sharing ideas, solutions and advice has helped thousands of readers over the years.

If you are expecting perfectly edited corporate style blog posts with an agenda to sell you something, please leave this page (other than a link to buy one of our books).

If you want interesting helpful stories that tell the truth about the often chaotic world of real estate investing and property management, then enjoy the read.

Rent Cap Gets Extended & Increased To 5%

Hey Landlords, Landlords in Nova Scotia received some news that will work well for both tenants and landlords. The rent cap has been extended to the end of 2025, it has been increased from 2.5% - 5% per year. New leases will be signed at market rent. Lots of news...

Why invest in student housing?

Why invest in student housing? I wrote this piece for the AAOA (American Apartment Owners Association). If you are not familiar with them make sure to check them out HERE They had asked me to write a short article about student housing. This is something that is near...

Midwest Book Review by Clint Travis

Hey landlords, Midwest Book Reviews is highly revered in the library and academic spaces. I am excited to get a recommendation from them. Enjoy the read. Landlord by Design 2Michael P. CurrieBeachrock Publishingwww.landlordbydesign.com9780995303706, $16.99, PB,...

What if the HRM Landlord Registry is a Great Idea?

Hey Landlords, I wanted to write a follow up piece to my post - Landlord Registry – More Red Tape Solves Housing Crisis Since that article I had the privilege over the past few weeks to discuss the pros and cons of the proposed registry (R400) and changes to the M200...

Landlord Registry – More Red Tape Solves Housing Crisis

Hey landlords, I can see the headlines now: "More red tape solves housing crisis" or "Halifax City Council regulates its way to a world class solution to affordable housing" maybe even "Landlord registry makes housing affordable." I often wonder if expensive rules...
Is Rent Control Good or Bad?

Is Rent Control Good or Bad?

Is rent control good or bad? This seems to be an ongoing debate. One challenge that needs to be addressed is education around the issue. I often here arguments from each side of the issue, and neither seems to have a clear understanding of how rent control works. I...

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Life During a pandemic day 46

Life During a pandemic day 46

This is not my post, the author is unknown, but it is a great snapshot on what life is like living through a pandemic. I hope you enjoy the read: Today is Tuesday April 28th. Day 46 of the lock-down because of COVID-19.The Prime Minister issued a Stay-At-Home-Order...

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Perspective during Covid times

Perspective during Covid times

I have been doing some posts during COVID times to document what was happening. In a world of social media, judgement, and various opinions, flooding the internet, it can make it pretty tough for a lot of people to just get out of bed in the am. I came across this...

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COVID relief – Small business loan

COVID relief – Small business loan

During these uncertain times many governments have been creating solutions to help businesses keep afloat. The Canadian government has several programs, the one I am writing about today is for small businesses. The major Canadian banks are the administrators of this...

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Life during a state of emergency

Life during a state of emergency

Life during a state of emergency. I have been around for almost half a century and have lived through many recessions, and experienced different times. I have also learned that in business we are often faced with challenges, sometimes due to self infliction, and other...

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